1. Keisuke Koga, Shinji Kajimoto, Yuta Yoshizaki, Hiroaki Takahashi, Lisa Kageyama, Tomohiro Konno, Takakazu Nakabayashi, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 128, 1350–1359 (2024). "Establishment of a Method for the Introduction of Poorly Water-Soluble Drugs in Cells and Evaluation of Intracellular Concentration Distribution Using Resonance Raman Imaging"
2. Reona Tobita, Lisa Kageyama, Ayaka Saito, Shinya Tahara, Shinji Kajimoto, Takakazu Nakabayashi, Chemical Communications, 60, 8732–8735 (2024). "Highly sensitive Raman measurements of protein aqueous solutions using liquid–liquid phase separation"
3. Lisa Kageyama, Shinya Tahara, Kohei Yokosawa, Mana Kamijo, Shinji Kajimoto, Takakazu Nakabayashi, Chemical Physics Letters, 856, 141671 (2024). "Raman quantitative analysis of methionine oxidation and its promotion effect on dissolution of phase-separated liquid droplets of Pbp1"
4. Ren Shibuya, Shinji Kajimoto, Hideyuki Yaginuma, Tetsuro Ariyoshi, Yasushi Okada, Takakazu Nakabayashi, Analytical Chemistry, 96, 17078–17085 (2024). "Nucleic Acid-Rich Stress Granules Are Not Merely Crowded Condensates: A Quantitative Raman Imaging Study"
5. 田原 進也, 中林孝和, ファルマシア, 60, 398–403 (2024). "酸化促進性の獲得からみSOD1の毒性発現機構" (依頼総説)
6. 高橋大智, 梶本真司, 中林孝和, The Lipid, 印刷中. "ラマンイメージングによる脂肪滴形成過程のラベルフリー可視化" (依頼総説)
1. Uchu Matsuura, Shinya Tahara, Shinji Kajimoto, Takakazu Nakabayashi, Scientific Reports, 13, 6389 (2023). "Label-free autofluorescence lifetime reveals the structural dynamics of ataxin-3 inside droplets formed via liquid–liquid phase separation"
2. Masato Machida, Toshiki Sugimura, Shinji Kajimoto, Farsai Taemaitree, Yoshitaka Koseki, Hitoshi Kasai, Takakazu Nakabayashi, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 127, 3851–3860 (2023). "Label-Free Tracking of Nanoprodrug Cellular Uptake and Metabolism Using Raman and Autofluorescence Imaging"
3. Kohei Yokosawa, Mitsuki Tsuruta, Shinji Kajimoto, Naoki Sugimoto, Daisuke Miyoshi, Takakazu Nakabayashi, Chemical Physics Letters, 826, 140634 (2023). "Quantification of the concentration in a droplet formed by liquid–liquid phase separation of G-quadruplex-forming RNA"
4. Tetsuro Matsunaga, Hirohito Sano, Katsuya Takita, Masanobu Morita, Shun Yamanaka, Tomohiro Ichikawa, Tadahisa Numakura, Tomoaki Ida, Minkyung Jung, Seiryo Ogata, Sunghyeon Yoon, Naoya Fujino, Yorihiko Kyogoku, Yusaku Sasaki, Akira Koarai, Tsutomu Tamada, Atsuhiko Toyama, Takakazu Nakabayashi, Lisa Kageyama, Shigeru Kyuwa, Kenji Inaba, Satoshi Watanabe, Péter Nagy, Tomohiro Sawa, Hiroyuki Oshiumi, Masakazu Ichinose, Mitsuhiro Yamada, Hisatoshi Sugiura, Fan-Yan Wei, Hozumi Motohashi, Takaaki Akaike, Nature Communications, 14, 4476 (2023). "Supersulphides provide airway protection in viral and chronic lung diseases"
5. Shogo Moriyama, Miyu Mae, Daiki Shibata, Hiroyuki Yamakoshi, Shinji Kajimoto, Takakazu Nakabayashi, Takayoshi Ishimoto, Kaiki Mogi, Hironao Sajiki, Shuji Akai, Yoshinari Sawama, Chemical Communications, 59, 12100-12103 (2023). "Multiple Deuteration of Triphenylphosphine and Live-Cell Raman Imaging of Deuterium-incorporated Mito-Q"
6. Kazunori Ban, Daisuke Miyata, Yoshiteru Matsumoto, Shinya Tahara, Hiroaki Takahashi, Shin-ichi Morita, Takakazu Nakabayashi, Chemical Physics Letters, 833, 140930 (2023). "Visualization of the sequence of changes in the full wavenumber range by two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy"
7. Hiroyuki Yamakoshi, Daiki Shibata, Kazuki Bando, Shinji Kajimoto, Aki Kohyama, Syusuke Egoshi, Kosuke Dodo, Yoshiharu Iwabuchi, Mikiko Sodeoka, Katsumasa Fujita, Takakazu Nakabayashi, Chemical Communications, 59, 14563-14566 (2023). "Ratiometric analysis of reversible thia-Michael reactions using nitrile-tagged molecules by Raman microscopy"
8. 田原 進也, 月刊化学, 78, 58-59, (2023). "注目の論文「細胞内のありのままの核酸を観る」" (依頼解説)
1. Kosuke Yamazaki, Shinya Tahara, Takumi Ohyama, Kunisato Kuroi, Takakazu Nakabayashi, Scientific Reports, 12, 11750 (2022). "SOD1 gains pro-oxidant activity upon aberrant oligomerization: change in enzymatic activity by intramolecular disulfide bond cleavage"
2. Kohei Yokosawa, Shinji Kajimoto, Daiki Shibata, Kunisato Kuroi, Tomohiro Konno, Takakazu Nakabayashi, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 13, 5692-5697 (2022). "Concentration Quantification of the Low-Complexity Domain of Fused in Sarcoma inside a Single Droplet and Effects of Solution Parameters"
3. 中林孝和, 梶本真司, 化学と工業, 75, 209, (2022). "ラマン顕微鏡で細胞内の水を見る" (依頼解説)
4. 中林孝和, 先端の分析法 第2版 (エヌ・ティー・エス), 376–378, (2022). "蛍光寿命顕微鏡" (分担著書)
5. 中林孝和, 柴田大輝, 高橋大智, 梶本真司, ラマン分光スペクトル解析事例集 (技術情報協会), 349–365, (2022). "ラマン顕微鏡を用いた生体分子密度変化","ラマン顕微鏡を用いた細胞内の脂肪滴の直接観測","ラマン顕微鏡を用いた細胞内の温度観測" (分担著書)
6. 中林孝和, 梶本真司, 光学, 51, 238–242, (2022). "ラマン分光による細胞の中の水の計測と分子夾雑環境・温度イメージングへの応用" (依頼総説)
7. 中林孝和, 梶本真司, 生物工学会誌, 100, 367–370, (2022). "ラマンイメージングを用いた細胞内の水・夾雑環境の理解" (依頼総説)
8. 中林孝和, 黒井邦巧, 梶本真司, 生化学, 94, 444–448, (2022). "ラマン顕微鏡によるラベルフリーなタンパク質液滴定量法" (依頼総説)
9. 梶本真司, 柴田大輝, 中林孝和, 実験医学別冊「相分離の解析プロトコール「それ本当に相分離」と言われないための戦略と先端解析方法」, 加藤昌人, 白木賢太郎, 中川真一編, 115–125, (2022). "ラマン顕微鏡による相分離の定量解析" (分担著書)
1. Kazuki Murakami, Shinji Kajimoto, Daiki Shibata, Kunisato Kuroi, Fumihiko Fujii, Takakazu Nakabayashi, Chemical Science, 12, 7411-7418 (2021). "Observation of liquid-liquid phase separation of ataxin-3 and quantitative evaluation of its concentration in a single droplet using Raman microscopy"
2. Daiki Shibata, Shinji Kajimoto, Takakazu Nakabayashi, Chemical Physics Letters, 779, 138843 (2021). "Label-free tracking of intracellular molecular crowding with cell-cycle progression using Raman microscopy"
3. Qi Yang, Shinji Kajimoto, Yuki Kobayashi, Hirotsugu Hiramatsu, Takakazu Nakabayashi, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 125, 10692–10700 (2021). "Regulation of Cell Volume by Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields"
4. 柴田大輝, 梶本真司, 中林孝和, 細胞, 53, 370–372, (2021). "水による細胞内夾雑環境の定量評価とその応用" (依頼解説)
5. 影山莉沙, 中林孝和, 実験医学, 39, 2103–2106, (2021). "量子化学:硫黄代謝物の構造とラマン分光法を用いた検出" (依頼解説)
6. 村上一輝, 梶本真司, 中林孝和, 細胞, 53, 548–551, (2021). "ラマン顕微鏡を用いた疾病関連タンパク質の液-液相分離の定量評価" (依頼解説)
7. 影山莉沙, 中林孝和, 生化学, 93, 621–627, (2021). "量子化学計算・ラマン分光法を用いた硫黄化合物の構造解析の動向" (依頼解説)
1. Kunisato Kuroi, Mana Kamijo, Mutsuki Ueki, Yusuke Niwa, Hirotsugu Hiramatsu, Takakazu Nakabayashi, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22, 1137-1144 (2020). "Time-resolved FTIR study on the structural switching of human galectin-1 by light-induced disulfide bond formation"
2. Asahi Takahashi, Chise Nagao, Kazuki Murakami, Kunisato Kuroi, Takakazu Nakabayashi, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects, 1864, 129401 (2020). "Effects of molecular crowding environment on the acquisition of toxic properties of wild-type SOD1"
3. Akunna Francess Ujuagu, Momoko Furuta, Takakazu Nakabayashi, Len Ito, Shin-Ichi Morita, Applied Physics Express, 13, 036501 (2020). "Automatic removal of binary background components expecting Raman big data and its application to human hair imaging"
4. Toshiki Sugimura, Shinji Kajimoto, Takakazu Nakabayashi, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 59, 7755-7760 (2020). "Label-free imaging of intracellular temperature by using the O-H stretching Raman band of water"
5. Mengmeng He, Daisuke Miyata, Takakazu Nakabayashi, Shin-ichi Morita, Analytical Sciences, 36, 885-887 (2020). "Practical Computation of FFT based Generalized Two-Dimensional Correlation Spectroscopy"
6. Takumi Ohyama, Kunisato Kuroi, Taiyu Wakabayashi, Nobuhiro Fujimaki, Takakazu Nakabayashi, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 124, 2116-2123 (2020). "Enhancement of Oxidative Reaction by the Intramolecular Electron Transfer between the Coordinated Redox-Active Metal Ions in SOD1"
7. Tomu Suzuki, Shinji Kajimoto, Narufumi Kitamura, Mayumi Takano-Kasuya, Naoko Furusawa, Yasushi Nakano, Hiroshi Fukumura, Kohsuke Gonda, Takakazu Nakabayashi, Applied Physics Express, 13, 045002 (2020). "A millisecond structured illumination microscope for super-resolution live cell imaging"
8. Chise Nagao, Kunisato Kuroi, Taiyu Wakabayashi, Takakazu Nakabayashi, Molecules, 25, 3600 (2020). "Pro-Oxidant Activity of an ALS-Linked SOD1 Mutant in Zn-Deficient Form"
9. Hiroaki Takahashi, Aya Yanamisawa, Shinji Kajimoto, Takakazu Nakabayashi, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22, 21646-21650 (2020). "Observation of the changes in the chemical composition of lipid droplets using Raman microscopy"
10. Daisuke Miyata, Takakazu Nakabayashi, Shin-ichi Morita, The Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 60, 5070-5079 (2020). "Automatic Determination of the Sequential Order of Dynamic Data and Its Application to Vibrational Spectroscopy"
11. Kamlesh Awasthi, Kazuhito Yamamoto, Kazunari Furuya, Takakazu Nakabayashi, Liming Li, Nobuhiro Ohta, Prime Archives in Sensors (Vide Leaf), 20 pages (2020). "Fluorescence Characteristics and Lifetime Images of Photosensitizers of Talaporfin Sodium and Sodium Pheophorbide a in Normal and Cancer Cell" (分担著書)
12. 中林孝和, 横澤公平, 黒井邦巧, 化学工業, 71, 216–222, (2020). "疾病の発症における分子狭雑環境と液液相分離の役割" (依頼解説)
13. 梶本真司, 中林孝和, 化学, 75, 64–65, (2020). "生きた細胞のなかの分子を直接見る-より速く, より小さく, より詳細に" (依頼解説)
14. 杉村俊紀, 梶本真司, 中林孝和, 細胞, 52, 20–21, (2020). "細胞内の水を用いたラベルフリー細胞内温度計測" (依頼解説)
15. 中林孝和, 黒井邦巧, 現代化学増刊46 相分離生物学の全貌 (白木賢太郎編), 285–289, (2020). "液-液相分離を観測するためのラマン散乱" (依頼解説)
1. Kunisato Kuroi, Masatomo Imaizumi, Takashi Miura, Takakazu Nakabayashi, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 515, 228-233 (2019). "Examination of the association states of dehydroergosterol towards understanding the association structures of sterols in a membrane"
2. Daisuke Miyata, Hirotsugu Hiramatsu, Takakazu Nakabayashi, Chemical Physics Letters, 718, 27-31 (2019). "Application of IR spectra of two successive isotope labeled residues to the evaluation of dihedral angles of polyproline II structure"
3. Hitomi Okabe, Daisuke Miyata, Takakazu Nakabayashi, Hirotsugu Hiramatsu, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 92, 80-86 (2019). "Evaluation of Dihedral Angles of Peptides Using IR Bands of Two Successive Isotope Labeled Residues"
4. Masatoshi Toda, Shinji Kajimoto, Shuichi Toyouchi, Toshihiro Kawakatsu, Yohji Akama, Motoko Kotani, Hiroshi Fukumura, Journal of Physical Society of Japan, 88, 024007 (2019). "Phase Separation Dynamics of a Binary Fluid with a Closed-Loop Phase Diagram"
5. Hironobu Fukuzawa, Tsukasa Takanashi, et al. (Shinji Kajimoto (23人目)) (計51人) Nature Communications, 10, 2186 (2019). "Real-time observation of X-ray-induced intramolecular and interatomic electronic decay in CH2I2"
6. 梶本真司, 竹内瑞貴, 杉村俊紀, 中林孝和, 生物物理, 59, 97–99, (2019). "細胞の水の密度を観る" (依頼解説)
7. 宮田大輔, 中林孝和, 盛田伸一, レーザー研究, 47, 85–88, (2019). "バイオ・ラマン研究の現状とこれから" (依頼総説)
1. Tatsuro Sugawara, Takakazu Nakabayashi, Shin-ichi Morita, Analytical Sciences, 34, 845-847 (2018). "Generalized Two-Dimensional Correlation Analysis for Unimodal Waveforms Modeled by Quadratic Functions"
2. Naoki Hasunuma, Masahiro Kawakami, Hirotsugu Hiramatsu, and Takakazu Nakabayashi, RSC Advances, 8, 17847-17853 (2018). "Preparation and photo-induced activities of water-soluble amyloid β-C60 complexes"
3. Mariko Okada, Shinji Kajimoto, and Takakazu Nakabayashi, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 122, 6364-6370 (2018). "Embedding a Metal Binding Motif for Copper Transporter into a Lipid Bilayer by Cu(I) Binding"
4. Hamza Al Kindi, Ahmed Mohamed, Shinji Kajimoto, Nurbosyn Zhanpeisov, Hideyuki Horino, Yutaka Shibata, Izabela I. Rzeznicka, and Hiroshi Fukumura, J. Photochem. Photobiol. A, 357, 168-174 (2018). "Single Bovine Serum Albumin Molecule can Hold Plural Blue-Emissive Gold Nanoclusters: A Quantitative Study with Two-Photon Excitation"
5. Shuichi Toyouchi, Shinji Kajimoto, Masatoshi Toda, Hiroshi Fukumura, Toshihiro Kawakatsu, Yohji Akama, Motoko Kotani, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 122, 12375-12385 (2018). "Time-Resolved Structured Illumination Microscopy for Phase Separation Dynamics of Water and 2-Butoxyethanol Mixtures: Interpretation of “Early Stage” Involving Micelle-Like Structures"
6. 中林孝和, 実験医学増刊, 36, 55-56 (2018). "共焦点レーザー走査顕微鏡: V. FLIM (タイムドメイン)" (分担著書)
1. Tatsuro Sugawara, Qi Yang, Takakazu Nakabayashi, Shin-ichi Morita, Analytical Sciences, 33, 1323–1325 (2017). "A Proposal for Automated Background Removal of Bio-Raman Data"
2. Mizuki Takeuchi, Shinji Kajimoto, Takakazu Nakabayashi, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 8, 5241–5245 (2017). "Experimental Evaluation of Density of Water in a Cell by Raman Microscopy"
3. Takeshi Kurota, Ippei Sato, Kunisato Kuroi, Hirotsugu Hiramatsu, Takakazu Nakabayashi, Chemical Communications, 53, 10014-10017 (2017). "Change in the Structure and Function of Lectin by Photodissociation of NO"
4. Kamlesh Awasthi, Takakazu Nakabayashi, Liming Li, and Nobuhiro Ohta, ACS OMEGA, 2(6), 2916-2924 (2017). "Effects of Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Field on Intracellular NADH Autofluorescence: A Comparison between Normal and Cancer Cells"
5. Shinsuke Shigeto, Chun-Fu Chang, Hirotsugu Hiramatsu, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 121, 490-496 (2017). "Directly Probing Intermolecular Structural Change of a Core Fragment of β2-Microglobulin Amyloid Fibrils with Low-Frequency Raman Spectroscopy"
6. Mariko Okada, Takashi Miura, and Takakazu Nakabayashi, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 169, 97-105 (2017). "Comparison of Extracellular Cys/Trp Motif between Schizosaccharomyces Pombe Ctr4 and Ctr5"
7. Shuya Kasai, Shinji Kajimoto, Yuma Ito, Tomo Saito, Ken-ichi Yasumoto, Makio Tokunaga, Kumiko Sakata-Sogawa, Hiroshi Fukumura, and Kazuhiro Sogawa, Journal of Biochemistry, 161, 291-296 (2017). "Conformational Changes in Inhibitory PAS Domain Protein Associated with Binding of HIF-1α and Bcl-xL in Living Cells"
8. Umair Yaqub Qazi, Zameer Shervani, Rahat Javaid, Shinji Kajimoto, and Hiroshi Fukumura, Advances in Nanoparticles, 6, 148-157 (2017). "Formation and Growth of Silver Nanocubes upon Nanosecond Pulsed Laser Irradiation: Effects of Laser Intensity and Irradiation Time"
9. Takakazu Nakabayashi, Kamlesh Awasthi, Nobuhiro Ohta, Multi-Parametric Live Cell Microscopy of 3D Tissue Models (Springer), 121–133 (2017). (分担著書) "Application of Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM) to Measure Intracellular Environments in a Single Cell"
10. Shinji Kajimoto, Mizuki Takeuchi, Takakazu Nakabayashi, Multi-Parametric Live Cell Microscopy of 3D Tissue Models (Springer), 163–172 (2017). (分担著書) "Raman Imaging Microscopy for Quantitative Analysis of Biological Samples"
11. 梶本真司, 化学と工業, 70, 884–885, (2017). "レーザー光を用いて金属ナノ粒子を作る" (依頼総説)
1. Dai Osaki and Hirotsugu Hiramatsu, Amyloid, 23, 234-241 (2016). "Citrullination and Deamidation Affect Aggregation Properties of Amyloid β-Proteins"
2. Masatoshi Toda, Shinji Kajimoto, Shuichi Toyouchi, Toshihiro Kawakatsu, Yohji Akama, Motoko Kotani, Hiroshi Fukumura, Physical Review E, 94, 052601(16 pages) (2016)."Phase behavior of a binary fluid mixture of quadrupolar molecules"
3. Kamlesh Awasthi, Daiki Moriya, Takakazu Nakabayashi, Liming Li, and Nobuhiro Ohta, Journal Photochemistry and Photobiology B, 165, 256-265 (2016). "Sensitive Detection of Intracellular Environment of Normal and Cancer Cells by AutofluorescenceLifetime Imaging"
4. Nobuhiro Fujimaki, Ken Nishiya, Takashi Miura, and Takakazu Nakabayashi, Chemical Physics, 479, 5-10 (2016). "Acquisition of Pro-Oxidant Activity of fALS-Linked SOD1 Mutants as Revealed Using Circular Dichroism and UV-Resonance Raman Spectroscopy"
5. Kamlesh Awasthi, Takakazu Nakabayashi, and Nobuhiro Ohta, ACS OMEGA, 1(3), 396-406 (2016). "Effects of Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields on the Intracellular Function of HeLa Cells As Revealed by NADH Autofluorescence Microscopy"
6. Kazumi Yamaguchi, Yusuke Niwa, Takakazu Nakabayashi, and Hirotsugu Hiramatsu, Scientific Reports, 6, 32999 (9 pages) (2016). "Generation of Self-Clusters of Galectin-1 in the Farnesyl-Bound Form"
7. Nobuhiro Fujimaki, Takashi Miura, and Takakazu Nakabayashi, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18(6), 4468-4475 (2016). "The Structural Analysis of the Pro-Oxidant Copper-Binding Site of Denatured Apo-H43R SOD1 and the Elucidation of the Origin of the Acquisition of the Pro-Oxidant Activity"
8. Mariko Okada and Takashi Miura, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 159, 45-49 (2016). "Copper(I) stabilization by cysteine/tryptophan motif in the extracellular domain of Ctr4"
9. Hirotsugu Hiramatsu, Hironori Ochiai, and Tomoyuki Komuro, Chemical Biology & Drug Design, 87(3), 425-433, (2016). "Effects of N-Methylated Amyloid-β30–40 Peptides on the Fibrillation of Amyloid-β1–40"
10. 中林孝和, 太田信廣, バイオマテリアル–生体材料–, 34(3), 210–215, (2016). "蛍光寿命イメージングの基礎と細胞内環境計測への応用" (依頼総説)
11. 中林孝和, 光と生命の事典 (朝倉書店) (2016). "Fluorescence Recover After Photobleaching (FRAP)" (著書・分担執筆)
1. Kazuki Furukawa, Kazuyuki Hino, Norifumi Yamamoto, Kamlesh Awasthi, Takakazu Nakabayashi, Nobuhiro Ohta, and Hiroshi Sekiya, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 119(37), 9599-9608, (2015). "External Electric Field Effects on Excited-State Intramolecular Proton Transfer in 4'-N,N-Dimethylamino-3-hydroxyflavone in Poly(methyl methacrylate) Films"
2. Yuki Numakura and Takashi Miura, FEBS Open Bio, 5, 859-863 (2015). "Disperse Orange 3 as a resonance Raman probe for measuring membrane order"
3. Kamlesh Awasthi, Kazuhito Yamamoto, Kazunari Furuya, Takakazu Nakabayashi, Liming Li, Nobuhiro Ohta, Sensors, 15(5), 11417-11430, (2015). "Fluorescence Characteristics and Lifetime Images of Photosensitizers of Talaporfin Sodium and Sodium Pheophorbide a in Normal and Cancer Cells"
4. Masako Suzuki and Takashi Miura, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1848, 753-759 (2015). "Effect of amyloid β-peptide on the fluidity of phosphatidylcholine membranes: Uses and limitations of diphenylhexatriene fluorescence anisotropy"
5. Ryuichi Maeda, Hidenobu Yaku, Takakazu Nakabayashi, Takashi Murashima, Naoki Sugimoto, Nobuhiro Ohta, Daisuke Miyoshi, Telomere and Telomerase, 2(1), e691, (2015). "DNA G-Quadruplex Detection System Employing a Protein Fibril Ligand"
6. Kazunori Sugiura, Takeharu Nagai, Masahiro Nakano, Hiroshi Ichinose, Takakazu Nakabayashi, Nobuhiro Ohta, and Toru Hisabori, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 457(3), 242-248, (2015). "Redox Sensor Proteins for Highly Sensitive Direct Imaging of Intracellular Redox State"
7. Hironori Ochiai, Tomoyuki Komuro, Hirotsugu Hiramatsu, Chemistry Letters, 44(1), 35-37, (2015). "Extinction Coefficient of N-methylated Aβ30-40 Depends on the Position of N-Methylation"
8. 中林孝和, 発光の事典 (朝倉書店) (2015). 「アップコンバージョン,励起状態ダイナミクス,蛍光寿命イメージング, 金属表面でのradiative decay engineering」(著書・分担執筆)
9. 中林孝和, 太田信廣, 光学, 44(6), 221–226, (2015). 「NADHの自家蛍光寿命イメージングを用いた細胞内環境計測」 (依頼総説)
10. Takakazu Nakabayashi and Nobuhiro Ohta, Analytical Sciences, 31(4), 275-285, (2015). "Sensing of Intracellular Environments by Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging of Exogenous Fluorophores" (依頼総説)
1. Takakazu Nakabayashi, Ruriko Ohshima, and Nobuhiro Ohta, Crystals, 4(2), 152-167, (2014). "Electric Field Effects on Photoluminescence of CdSe Nanoparticles in a PMMA Film"
2. Takakazu Nakabayashi, Md. Serajul Islam, Liming Li, Masahide Yasuda, Nobuhiro Ohta, Chemical Physics Letters, 595-596(1-6), 25-30, (2014). "Studies on external electric field effects on absorption and fluorescence spectra of NADH"
3. Hirotsugu Hiramatsu and Takahiro Saito, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 45, 208-210 (2014). "Vertical flow apparatus for enhancement and efficient collection of Raman signal"
4. Koichi Matsuo, Hirotsugu Hiramatsu, Kunihiko Gekko, Hirofumi Namatame, Masaki Taniguchi, and Robert Woody, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 118, 2785-2795 (2014). "Characterization of intermolecular structure of β2-microglobulin core fragments in amyloid fibrils by vacuum-ultraviolet circular dichroism spectroscopy and circular dichroism theory"
5. Nobuhiro Ohta, Takakazu Nakabayashi, Natural Biomarkers for Cellular Metabolism: Biology, Techniques, and Applications (CRC Press), 41-64, (2014). "Intracellular Autofluorescent Species: Structure, Spectroscopy, and Photophysics" (分担著書)
6. 中林孝和, 光化学の事典– 誰でもわかる光化学の初歩 – (朝倉書店), 318-319, (2014). 「細胞イメージング」(著書・分担執筆)
7. 中林孝和, 太田信廣, 化学と工業, 67(3), 262, (2014). 「ラベルフリー細胞内自家蛍光寿命イメージング研究の進展」(研究報告)